Saturday, October 08, 2005

The Wild Mother

Get ready to read the best book ever! The best book in any category, which of course is mamalit, because what else could it be, is...
The Wild Mother by Elizabeth Cunningham.

I do not think Ms. Cunningham wrote this to be mamalit at all; I am not even sure if she is a mother. The book is sort of a magical, mystical archetypal not-quite midrash....and the main character is really a daughter...but it still counts! Mamalit! Mamalit!

I got to thinking about it today because Alkelda the Gleeful on her wonderful storytelling blog, Saints and Spinners, has been posting some midrashim about Eve. The Wild Mother is a sort of telling of the Adam and Eve story...sort of. I really have a pretty impossible time describing it, is about true natures and fulfilling our places in life...but it is so much more. Read it! You will love it! Hurry!


Saints and Spinners said...

I'm hurrying! I'm hurrying! I'll have to get it through ILL, so I won't be hurrying as fast as I might otherwise have done.

Lone Star Ma said...

Yeah, I am waiting on my ILLs, too. I'm so happy ILL exists, though!

klk said...

What's an ILL?
Library holds or something? It sounds like a good book I will definitely check out. So does the Kozol. Texas schools...yikes. I went to Texas schools for two years. Lived in Dallas for a bit. Got out before the Bush family took hold. Now I'm in Cali. with the Terminator. Don't know which is worse. Dios Mio!

Lone Star Ma said...

Inter-Library Loan...where they will get it for from any library that has it, anywhere!

klk said...

Yes...we have that too. They have a copy at my local library, but it's closed on Monday, WAH!

Lone that you are encouraging everyone to do word verif...they aren't catching on and it drives me nuts because the SPAM is SOOO horrible here!!!