Sunday, October 30, 2005

Junior Skills Day

Today (again, yesterday), Lone Star Pa took the Lone Star Girl to Camp Green Hill for Junior Skills Day. Most of the girls in the troop went, as well as the Troop Leader and Lone Star Pa. I was sad to miss it, but thought the Lone Star Baby wasn't ready for all day in the sun at camp with scheduled activities yet. The Lone Star Girl told me about how they earned their eco-action badge, which included planting a tree, making stuff out of recycled materials, learning about water conservation and doing a play about Butterfly, the tree-sitter. Wow. I just love those Girl Scouts. I still remember how a couple of years ago or so, when I was still troop Leader, the Executive Director sent all of us Leaders a memo about how the fact that some folks were boycotting cookie sales because a troop of older girls listened to a presentation by Planned Parenthood educators, with written parental consent, did not mean that the Girl Scouts were going to back down and start restricting the programming that troops could decide to provide. The Girl Scouts rock.

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