Thursday, October 20, 2005


Conversation between the Lone Star Girl and the Lone Star Baby a few days ago:

LSG: (holding up 1 finger) Baby, how many is this?
LSB: (exuberantly) One!
LSG: That's right, Baby! How many is this? (holds up 2 fingers)
LSB: (exuberantly) Five!
LSG: It's 2, Baby. Say 2.
LSB: (in a tone of patient pity) Five.
LSG: How many is this? (holds up 3 fingers)
LSB: Six.
LSG: It's 3, Honey. 3.
LSB: Seben. Five.


Imperfect Serenity said...

Thanks for adding me to your blogroll! I'll be glad to reciprocate.

Saints and Spinners said...

Lucia's counting scheme:
1, 2, fwee, five, ten, 12. Never mind repeated renditions of "This Old Man," or "Ladybug Picnic," it still remains 1, 2, fwee, five, ten, 12. Perhaps children have a cunning counting system a la Fibonacci or binary or whatever they do on Mars.

klk said...

Hey, that's great! She's getting somewhere!!! lol
I love the way baby's figure it all out. No rush, it all comes in good time.

Lone Star Ma said...

Thank you for adding me to yours, Eileen Flanagan!

Mars counting. That may be it....they are such cute little martians!