Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Activity Grrrl

The Lone Star Girl's Destination Imagination team is meeting at school today. She is involved in two new organized activities this year...Destination Imagination and Choir Chimes Ensemble. Adding those to Girl Scouts would make for more activities than I generally allow, but the new ones are almost entirely during the school day, so they do not really strain our over-strained schedule. This is the first year that our Girl Scouts are Juniors, rather than Brownies, so that is very exciting, too! They grow so fast. I remember when I was the Daisy Leader and had to help the Daisies with every little step of every little project. They are so independent now! They have a great Troop Leader for Juniors and I know they will have a great year.

The Lone Star Girl is not swimming or dancing this fall, and I admit to being less than pleased with the reduced amount of physical activity in her days. I keep suggesting different sports, like I need more commitments, but she has not been interested. I am letting her take a break since she seems to need one and it has been a really hectic time since her sister was born, but by summer, I will need to get her exercising regularly again. She is growing fast and needs to stay strong.

It is always a joy to see the Lone Star Girl's interests blossom. Every year, she is growing more and more into the woman she will someday be, so independent and amazing.


gojirama said...

What is Destination Imagination? It sounds fun.

It's so hard to be busy. At this point we try to limit each kid to one activity, but since The Boy isn't interested we give the other two more leeway. If I had more money, I'd let them do more, but then we;d be even busier.

Lone Star Ma said...

It's really a competition but we don't care about that part. Teams prepare a project "challenge" that involves all sorts of things...acting, problem-solving, writing, building...all supposed to ignite creativity and higher-level thinking, then compete with teams that chose the same challenge. We've just started so I don't know much but it seems neat.

My ongoing rule has been 2 things (not the daily kind!) but since DI and choir chimes are at school and not money issues, I'm cutting her some slack. Busyness is bad...

klk said...

Hey, they have that at my dd's school, I should check it out. It sounds neat. Destination Imagination. Just the name is cool in itself! by the way, thanks so much for all of your thoughtful comments. they mean sooooooooo much to me.

Lone Star Ma said...

As do yours to me, claridad!