Thursday, March 01, 2007

Political Grrrl

I just love the Lone Star Girl's political expressivity. I may be in the minority on this opinion (right at home there), but I do.

She carries around a giant binder-like thing on a strap for a school backpack and she has a bumper sticker stuck boldly across it that says "IMPEACH BUSH!". She also has a PETA sticker on her purse that says something like "I cut class, not frogs".

I recently re-noticed the little wreath she made in Girl Scouts for Thanksgiving - I cannot remember if I posted about it before. It is a round-fastened bunch of twigs with construction paper leaves in autumn colors on it. Each leaf has something she is thankful for on it. Hers has six leaves:
1. Food
2. Friends
3. My Dad
4. My Mom
5. My Sister
6. Democrats winning the House and the Senate.

And she's only eleven! Imagine the sort of calls we'll be getting from the FBI when she's 19! I'm so proud of her.


Triana said...

She has my vote! Get her in office!

Saints and Spinners said...

Ahhh! Go LSG.

Veloute said...

This warms my heart to read! She's going to change the world!