Monday, February 23, 2009

Nature Play

The Lone Star Baby and I had some renewing time outside on Sunday afternoon. She tricycled for awhile and then settled in to squat in the grass by a dip in our sidewalk where we let dirt and organic debris gather and spent some time drawing in the dirt there with a stick. After she grew tired with that occupation, she decided that we should go on a roly-poly hunt. We took a box out of the recycling bin and walked up and down the sidewalk looking for some. We found one and a neighbor showed us a second. Then we let them out on the exposed roots of our ash tree. Just the sort of thing I always want us doing more of - and a very nice interlude in an otherwise not-very-rejuvenating weekend.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Wow! Dirt and roots and roly-polies in February!!!! I'm heading out on a wooly mammoth hunt today.