Wednesday, February 04, 2009

I Went To High School With A Lost Star

Over the years, I have occasionally caught a glimpse of a television actress - once in a commercial and once, I think, in a show about being an older college student - who looked, I thought, remarkably like a girl I went to high school with - although much better preserved than I have been by the years, I must say. I mentioned several times to my husband that the actress, whose name I didn't know, looked like a girl named Liz who attended Arts Magnet High School with me in Dallas. In recent years, I've noticed that the actress has starred on the TV show Lost which I really haven't much watched. The Lone Star Girl was watching it tonight and I mentioned that I thought I might have gone to high school with that blond actress and then I saw a name on the credits - Elizabeth Mitchell - and thought - I think that is Liz. I googled her and guess what? It is! Wow! She was really nice.


gojirama said...

Very cool!

Saints and Spinners said...

Yes, very cool! I like the title of your post, too.