Sunday, January 06, 2008

Salad Garden

The Lone Star Girl and I took a nice walk through a pretty neighborhood down to where we could see the bay before First Day School today. I was admiring a little garden patch that someone had set up in their yard, one of those kind with stacked lumber forming a little raised triangle filled with soil, when I realized must be a salad garden. All of the lovely greenery looked to be edible greens. There were even a few dandelions thrown in. It was lovely cool is a salad garden? Really, I am so impressed.


Triana said...

I love this idea. I always think a salad will be good, but never have the greens around because they rot too fast in our fridge. How fun to think "salad!" and run out the door to pick one!

Saints and Spinners said...

Yes, a salad garden is a lovely idea. I bought a spendy packet of salad green seeds (spendy because there are 4.6 grams' worth of seeds in the packet) that I'm supposed to sow every two weeks. My plan is to have salad gardens in large shallow pots next summer-- last year, neither the lettuces nor the basil and dill grew, though I did get so much parsley (that's still growing, and in Seattle, lasts through the winter).