Friday, May 05, 2006

Work/Life Arrangements from 10

One night, when the Lone Star Girl and I were watching Commander In Chief, the episode included a subplot in which the President's mother moved to the White House to help care for her children (a job that just didn't seem to do it for the First Gentleman) while she was busy leading the free world. I told the Lone Star Girl that when she is President, I will be happy to come to the White House and help out with my grandchildren.

Really? she asked.
Absolutely, I replied.

Now, every now and then, seemingly from out of nowhere, she stops and asks me if I will really come live in the White House and watch her kids for her when she's President, to which I always reply in the affirmative. Seems she's making plans.


Triana said...

I believe she already has my vote. Tell her to hurry up. How does she feel about 2008?

Lone Star Ma said...

I'm afraid she won't be 35 until 2030, so she can't run until 2032, most likely.

gojirama said...

I beleive she can do it. And I know who I'd vote to be first gentleman, LOL>