Saturday, January 17, 2009

Lines At The Carousel

The already-nicer of our two local shopping malls was bought awhile back by new folks who want to make it posh (which is sort of funny - we are not a posh sort of city). One of the things they feel the need to do in the pursuit of this poshness is to get rid of the carousel in the middle of the mall - it just doesn't fit with their vision. Needless to say, the young children in our community are displeased that our community will no longer have any carousel, and their parents are dismayed at the removal of this very effective bribe to behave until we have finished shopping for bras and underwear. The new folks don't care, though, and the carousel is heading out in a few days.

I took the Lone Star Baby to the mall today so she could ride it one last time. Teen drop-offs aside, the mall is not a frequent destination for us, so the carousel is special. There was a long line, snaking all the way around the carousel and out into the mall, as many kids are going to miss the carousel and wanted their last rides, as well. The Lone Star Baby rode a horse on the upper level and named it Mari (the Lone Star Girl used to name all of her carousel horses Camel when she was little, but her sister favors Mari) and said good-bye to Mari and the carousel when we left.


Andrea said...

Awww...that's just sad (and mean!)

Saints and Spinners said...

Well, maybe this is a sign that you have to come to Seattle. The zoo has an old,restored carousel:

I'm sorry you're losing your mall carousel. I never realized the true necessity of bribery until I had a kid. For them, it all comes down to, "What's in it for me?" Hah!

Lone Star Ma said...

Yes, I had noble ideals, once, but no more...