Monday, November 10, 2008

Unhappy In My Lipstick

It's a good thing I'm happy with the President-Elect, because I am surely bummed about my lipstick. I am not much of a make-up wearer, but I wear a little for work - some cover-up for my blemishes, some powder as a base for my icky complexion, and a bit of lipstick. For years, I have worn Revlon Gold-Dipped Rose. Now it is nowhere to be found. I had to get Silver-spun Rose which looked closest but is not the same. The trials, the trials...


Saints and Spinners said...

Gold-dipped rose? Silver-spun rose? These sound like names for plants in the underground forest of the Twelve Dancing Princesses.

Lone Star Ma said...

Yes, well the silver-spun rose is not all that impressive, let me tell you.