Sunday, June 18, 2006

Girl Scout Camp!

In addition to giving Lone Star Pa his well-earned and painstakingly-crafted-by-creative-daughters presents today and expressing my appreciation to my dads, we dropped the Lone Star Girl off for a week at the Girl Scout camp that is located about 45 miinutes from our town. I have taken the Lone Star Girl and her troop camping there before and she has been on a couple of Me-And-My-Guy weekend camp-outs there and a number of day trips there, but last summer, when she was nine, was the first time she stayed there for a week without us. I'm a pretty attached-at-the-hip mom, so I had a hard time believing that I had actually allowed her to do that, but she had a great, great time. This summer, my little cousin who is her age is her buddy and my little cousins who are 14 and 17 are C-I-T and counselor there. I know they will have a great time and we pick them up on Friday. I have already written her a couple of letters so she would have mail waiting for her when she arrived. I always get choked up when we drive up the camp road and see the sign that says "Caution: Future World and Local Leaders At Work and Play". Girl Scout camp, with all its late-night homesickness, bugs and sunburns, is such a...really, really wonderful experience. I will really miss my girl, but it is so good for them to get to be outdoors doing so much for themselves and being so bold...the units are called "Sacagawea" "Flying High", "Bar Nothing", "Destarte"'s just a wonderful place.

1 comment:

Lone Star Ma said...

She was in platform tents this year and last year just like the ones I remember from Rocky Point - they usually put Brownies in the cabins and Juniors and up in the tents. Does Rocky Point still have those little worms that dangle from the trees on threads? We loved them. Are the latrines still infested by giant moths? We did not love that(: