Friday, September 07, 2012

Tell The TCEQ No More Coal For Corpus!

The Port of Corpus Christi is seeking a permit amendment that would allow them to triple the amount of "materials" - read coal - going through their bulk terminal.  Specifically, the permit asks to increase
emissions of hydrogen sulfide and particulate matter.
Coal dust and particulate matter make asthma and other respiratory and heart conditions worse and can lead to premature death.  There are many schools within five miles of the Port and approval of this permit would significantly increase the exposure of these school children and the surrounding neighborhoods (and the rest of the city) to dangerous particulate matter.

Any such expansion in materials needs to be limited to non-coal (and not petroleum coke!) products.  No emissions expansions should be permitted.

Please contact the TCEQ and tell them of your opposition to this permit due to the health risk it poses to our community and ask for a public meeting to be held on the permit in Corpus Christi.  You will need to include the permit number - 47881 - and can submit your public comments to the TCEQ at:


The deadline for public comments is this Sunday, so please do not delay, Mamas!  Thank you!

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