Sunday, March 08, 2009


We had a party today in honor of the Lone Star Baby's weaning. We decorated the kitchen with streamers and Auntie Jazz came over for cake and ice cream and board games. We got a princess cake at the Lone Star Baby's request.

It is hard not to feel sad as well as happy at these milestones, especially with the youngest child. I am so proud of my big weaned girl. I went and got a tattoo of two little seals last night in honor of my now two weaned girls. I think the one thing I am really, truly sure of in my life is that nursing these two beautiful girls until their need was fully met was the best thing I have done with my life, my biggest contribution to good in this world. I know that.


Saints and Spinners said...

Sweet girls! Sweet mommy! Let's see your tattoo. :)

Saints and Spinners said...

P.S. I didn't realize at first that there were three princesses on the cake. I thought they were three breasts with... I don't know, decorations on them. Hee hee.

Andrea said...

Congratulations on this milestone...and good for you for keeping it going so long! (Is it just a coincidence, or are those princess skirts supposed to look like breasts?)

Lone Star Ma said...

Thanks. It is just a coincidence(:

Andrea said...

We don't see a lot of princesses around my house (maybe if they made gun-totin' tinkerbell...) so it took me a minute to figure out what they were!