Sunday, March 29, 2009

Quaker Spring Potluck And Little Friends Ladybug Release

We had folks from our Quaker Meeting over for our second annual Spring Potluck and Little Friends Ladybug Release this evening. It was fun. We ate and talked in the backyard while the Little Friends played and got very into the sandbox. After awhile, I got the ladybugs out of the refrigerator where they were hibernating in their tubs from the garden store. It took them just a very few moments of warmth to wake up and then the kids and everyone got to spreading them around the backyard plants and generally playing with them. We do love ladybugs! It was so nice to have such dear people over - a lovely evening to usher in our springtime.


Saints and Spinners said...

Aha! I wondered how it was possible to buy ladybugs from the garden store. If I ever got a tattoo, I'd probably get a ladybug.

Andrea said...

How fun!

Unknown said...

That sounds lovely-- every year I think of having a "welcome, Spring" party and never do. Maybe this year I'll finally have that summer solstice party I keep planning in my head too......