Monday, September 08, 2008

Family Game Girls, Genius Dad

When the Lone Star Girl was little, we were a family into our board games and card games. It started with the Goodnight Moon Game and moved on to Memory, Candy Land, Hi-Ho Cherry-O!, Uno, Go Fish, Scrabble Jr., Sorry, Inner Circle and more. We had lots of fun, even with Candy Land - it's a gateway drug, you know. This era of our family life spanned from about the Lone Star Girl's age of three until the infant Lone Star Baby ceased to be content to nurse to sleep in a sling. Then it kind of fizzled because the baby was really too into everything for us to sit down to a game when she was awake. Lone Star Pa and I continued playing real Scrabble, a game that never appealed to the Lone Star Girl since she can't spell, on occasional late nights when the kids were asleep, but Family Game Night was a thing of the past. I looked forward to its someday return.

The Lone Star Baby got lots of games around about the age of three, but she caught on to them more slowly than had her sister. Now, at four, she is just entering her phase of loving lots of kinds of games. I am excited, her love for Pretty, Pretty Princess notwithstanding. She has a really hard time holding a hand of cards in her tiny hands, though, so Lone Star Pa came up with a wonderful invention - he cut a notch half-way down into a board to serve as a card holder for her.

I think he's just the best daddy in the whole world. Is she cute or what?


Veloute said...

Oh, that's BRILLIANT! We have that problem, too. So stealing this idea :) Thanks!

Andrea said...

What a great idea...I'll have to try it out--we just introduced the twins to go fish and they lay their cards face-up on the floor so they can see them and I can help them, but it helps their big brother "cheat". Since they were born 3 days before his fourth birthday, we have shelves and shelves of games we have never/rarely played...time to start getting them out!

gojirama said...

That is so sweet!