Wednesday, June 20, 2007


I got a sunburn at the beach and have been eschewing bras because they hurt. Lone Star Pa does not think women my size should do that, though he would not say so. I can tell, though.

We have laundry issues at my house and I frequently have a tough time finding clean underwear. I hate wearing the emergency panties. Today, I went to the mall and bought a pair of underwear for every day of the week! I am so incredibly rich.


Saints and Spinners said...

Sorry about the sunburn! Congratulations on the new underwear. (For the record, I looove the Land's End cotton underwear best of all.) As you know, underwear is a big deal in our house these days.

Lone Star Ma said...


gojirama said...

He should juct count himself lucky he's never ahd to wear a bra.
I kow about the emergency panties too. Every year I buy an economy pack of Costco panties.