Sunday, June 10, 2007

Comic Book Geek Spawn

Lone Star Pa is, shall we say, a Marvel Comics enthusiast (and a big-time Star Trek fan, etc.). In the years since we took up housekeeping together, I have learned a good bit more about the Marvel Universe(s) than I would have ever considered picking up on my own...some of it is even interesting. The Lone Star Girl is definitely her father's daughter. She likes to have long conversations (can you call it a conversation when only she is talking and I am having a hard time even listening?) about Star Trek plots and multiple comic book storylines and characters. Long, long ones. The other day, she and I were on the side of town where the comic book store that her dad frequents is located and so we went inside to pick up his weekly ration. The young woman who works there saw my daughter and immediately took out the comics from my husband's pull box for us without our even asking. Seeing my daughter is part of her weekly routine. It was sort of a wow moment for kid will be meeting guys at Star Trek conventions in a few years, I suppose.

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