Friday, June 01, 2007

First Haircut!

On Wednesday, I took the Lone Star Baby to get her first haircut! I had a gift certificate from my stepmother for a haircut for myself at the fancy place she goes to and "something extra". The gift certificate was from my birthday in September, when I needed a haircut, but I hadn't had time to get to it until now.

I was plain scared to get the Lone Star Baby's hair cut. Her hair has a very loose curl, not as tight as mine and definitely not as tight as her sister's, and lots of times hair like that loses its curl after it's cut, so, in a way, I really didn't want to get her hair cut. The Lone Star Girl was six before I took scissors to it myself one spring and gave her the little bob she wanted, but her hair grew really slowly and curled really tightly and was not as long then as the Lone Star Baby's hair was at not quite three, more than half-way down her back. It really got in her way. Since there could never be any real symmetry in hair as curly as the LSG's, I was brave enough to do a makeshift job myself, but I would never do that with the Lone Star Baby's, as unevenness would show on her. I asked the salon if a child's haircut could be the something extra and they said yes, so in we went.

The Lone Star Baby sat in my lap and amused people while I got my hair cut a bit shorter than I like it, which is for the best, considering how seldom I make it to the salon. Then it was my baby's turn! She behaved really well and came away with cute, shoulder-length hair that can be kept out of her face with just a little clip on either side. I think it is keeping its curl. She looks like a little Nancy Drew to me, now. I always wondered what to call her hair color, once her dark baby hair changed. It has a lot of brown, a lot of blonde (most people say it's blonde) and a lot of red in it. Maybe I'll go with "titian" like Nancy Drew!

I saved the shorn curls in a little box.

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