Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Beach Day...

We went to the beach on Monday and the kids had a blast. It was wonderful.

We do not go nearly as often as we should because Lone Star Pa hates it. I try to think of that as a sort of mild misogyny, but it is really more about me personally, I think. I doubt he understands or cares enough to be afraid of what the Sea means to me, but he knows enough to hate water in his male way. I could forget him, forget the kids, float away in the billowy place between the breakers out to the life-teeming All-Mother and never, ever return. The Girl could, too, almost. Gulf-green, salt-carried.

I can think of every reason not to go to the shore when I am not there, succomb to the tiniest pressure to avoid it. When I am there, I care about no one else, though. I do not really believe they exist. Or have...significance.


Saints and Spinners said...

Yeah, but as a true-blue Selkie mother, I'm sure you'd pop your whiskery seal face out of the water every now and then to check up on your children.:)

Andromeda Jazmon said...

We went to the beach this week too. Beach Day It was too cold to swim but when it warms up (July and August for us) I love to float out beyond the breakers. When I am sitting in the dentist chair I take myself back to that floating on mother sea and it calms me.

Lone Star Ma said...

I hope so, A. Maybe I'm not as nice a mommy as the selkies, though...

Welcome, cloudscome! I hope you waves get warm soon! Yes. The sea can really help in those unpleasant exchanges with people or other stressful events...