Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Juggling Blues

We've had a lot going on lately - meetings and meetings at all of our four schools, extracurricular and Girl Scout activities, doctor appointments and allergy-related school conferences and field trips to schedule ... it is, as my baby brother would say, all good ... but it's a lot.  

I had been feeling very good at how I was handling all of it for a few foolish days this week.  I had a bunch of stuff safely scheduled, or so I thought until last night, when...

....Holy Multitasking, Super-Mom!  I realized that I had totally spaced on a half-day of school that the Lone Star Baby has Wednesday of next week. 

This becomes a problem because :

A.)  There is no after-care at her school on half-days

B.)  Lone Star Pa had already scheduled a day off this week to go on a field trip with her and 

C.)  I had already set up a day off Friday of next week to take the Lone Star Girl to get some follow-up blood work and to meet with about a zillion people at her school about her allergies and school travel - and re-scheduling a zillion people for two days earlier obviously wasn't going to fly.  Had I not spaced on the half-day, I could have scheduled everything for that day and it would have all worked out like I had thought things were working out when I was humming along, but no.  I dropped it.

My only real options here were to find someone to pick the Lone Star Baby up for me Wednesday or to have her skip school (not like I'm a teacher or anything) on Wednesday so I could drop her off at the babysitter's before going to work.  

Enter that frantic feeling. You know the one.  So much for my industrious humming along.  That sort of satisfied busy-ness is just not allowed, you know.

One of the Lone Star Baby's friends' mothers has agreed to pick her up for me, so it all seems good again.  

I got the message, though - if I ever feel like I am doing a good job, I have probably missed something.  Cue the saxophones and guitars.  Sing it with me, mamas...

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