Thursday, April 01, 2010

Happy National Poetry Month!

April is National Poetry Month!  I am full of ideas and frankly pretty annoyed at myself for them.  I've written a lot of poetry lately ... a lot.  I've also come up with ideas of how to organize some of my poetry into four separate collections someday, if I ever , like, send out enough submissions to become the sort of poet whose work would be considered for a book.  It's a little ridiculous.  I was supposed to finish Baby Moon in 2009, then in January, and I still haven't, even though all that is left is the introduction chapter and the resources chapter.  Instead, I'm flitting about writing poetry!  I never can stay focused on one project.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Maybe the poetry is what your brain needs to work through before you can get back to the more logical, informational kind of writing that an introduction would require. Keep writin' the poems!