Saturday, December 19, 2009

Right-Wing U.S. Fundamentalists Did This

Uganda is passing a law that basically will separate people who are gay from society altogether, imprisoning (and sometimes killing) them in most instances.  Anyone who speaks out against it is considered to be in violation of it.  Homosexuality has been technically illegal in Uganda for centuries, which is bad enough, but the current climate of hatred and dangerous intolerance can be linked to the heavy involvement of American right-wing fundamentalists in Uganda.  Groups like The Family, who make a mockery of the teachings of Christ.  The Family have some warped "strength" interpretation of the Gospels which makes them very excited about fascist regimes in Africa.  They are all over Uganda, and include a disturbing number of Senators who have used U.S. tax dollars to fulfill their quasi-religious agenda of propping up military dictators. It is unacceptable that the American "Religious" Right is so actively engaged in activities that result in the loss of human rights for people not just here, but all over the world.  The lack of separation of Church and State is unacceptable.  The perversion of Christ's teachings is unacceptable.  

There has long been tension in the Religious Society of Friends because many Quakers in my branch of the faith (loosely affiliated into the Friends General Conference) do not want to belong to organizations or share funds with groups that are intolerant of people who are gay.  The Friends United Meeting includes Meetings that are intolerant of people who are gay and let's not even talk about the yet more conservative gatherings of Friends.  F.U.M. has done a lot of life-saving relief work in poor regions of Africa so many Friends feel torn, wanting to help people who need help but not wanting to mingle funds with a group that has intolerant policies.  Also, many "convergent" Friends want the various branches of Quakerism to find unity and all be one group together as we have not been since way back in the days before Elias Hicks and our big split.  

My feelings on this have become clear.

I don't want F.U.M. or any so-called religious group with intolerance in their hearts in Uganda.  I don't want this hatred to spread.  I don't want anything to do with branches of the Religious Society of Friends who would be part of denying human rights to our gay brothers and sisters in Christ.  I am not interested in convergence.  Sometimes getting along is not worth it.  There is too much at stake. 

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Ugh. That's horrible. I am apalled by the number of people that use religion as an excuse and reason for hatred and violence (but I'm afraid that's how it's been since the beginning of monotheism at least). That right-wing fundamentalists have so much power and voice in our country is also apalling.