Thursday, December 11, 2008

Four And A Half

Today is the Lone Star Baby's half birthday. This seems like a particularly significant half-birthday because it is was at exactly this age that the Lone Star Girl weaned for good, after a long and gradual and mostly natural process that included only some very mild encouragement from me at the end, when she was already going a week or two in between nursings. The Lone Star Baby has also been saying that she will wean at four and a half and is also going a week or two at a stretch at times between asking to nurse. She nursed to sleep tonight, though.

I have told my four and a half year old girl that she doesn't have to stop unless she wants to - it is up to her at this point, as I am fine with her occasional nursings. She says she is stopping now and maybe she will - she sounds pretty determined when she's not sounding like she's changed her mind about ever weaning. It is so cold these last few days that I am starting to think that the extra immunities provided by nursing through the winter wouldn't be such a bad thing, but we'll see. She's planning her weaning party - says she'll want a princess cake and for us to decorate the kitchen in princesses. The Lone Star Girl requested a Captain America cake at her own weaning party.

Today marks nine (non-consecutive) years that I have been lactating. It doesn't seem that long.


Saints and Spinners said...

I didn't know that a person could go two weeks at a time without nursing and still produce milk! I love it that the LSG requested a Captain America cake.

Lone Star Ma said...

Heck, yeah. Not as much as when they nurse all the time, of course, but I could squeeze a little out for almost a year after the LSG was completely weaned.

gojirama said...

Awww, so bittersweet.

Andrea said...

Wow! Nine years...I think YOU deserve the silver award.