Saturday, January 20, 2007

Barf Day

In the wee hours of the morning, the Lone Star Girl awoke barfing all over her room. I stayed in bed with my nursling while Lone Star Pa took care of her, as I could hear that there were things that would have to be thrown away in her messy room and felt that it would just get quarrelsome if I were to have input in that process. A few hours later, still way too early to arise, the Lone Star Baby started on her own barfing. I am an expert at hearing in my sleep when this is going to happen with a child next to me, so I had her propped up right away and thought I had caught all the barf in my hand (yeah, motherhood), but I missed some, so it was then bath and laundry time for us. They've both continued to barf on and off today. The Lone Star Girl seems to feel much crummier than the baby but this is only the second time the baby has ever had a vomiting virus and she is a little freaked out when it happens. She does not want the mixing bowl barf bucket we are keeping on hand (we clean it between times for heaven's sake!) anywhere near her and still has, I think, sneaking suspicions that the bucket plays some role in the cause of the throwing up, so we have to struggle a bit to use it. I hope that this is no more than one of those miserable 24-hour affairs.


Saints and Spinners said...

When Lucia is old enough, I am going to try a plan I read about: make a deal that every time the barf makes it inside the bucket or the toilet, she gets two bucks (or whatever is the going reward rate). Poor LSG and LSB! I hope you manage to get through without succumbing yourself.xoxo

Lone Star Ma said...

Thanks! That sounds like a good plan.

Veloute said...

Tummy bugs are horrible. I just made a little post about our barf bucket, ha!

Ah, motherhood indeed. What other calling would have you cradling someone's vomit between your hands?

I also know the sound before the storm, even in my sleep. Doug sleeps through it!