Friday, April 28, 2006


I had to go back to the ortho for a follow-up at lunchtime yesterday. I told him I was a little worried because I still cannot totally extend my elbow and still can not bring it all the way up to touch my shoulder with my hand. At first, I thought the swelling was stopping it, but when the swelling went way down and I still could not - then I worried. He said not to - that it takes normal mortals about 2 months to get there. It's been less than 2 weeks, so I'm doing good. He said I didn't have to wear the sling anymore and could indulge in heat like soaking it in a warm bath and told me the dimensions of a big stick I need to get and the exercises to do with it. Yay! I have another follow-up in 3 weeks.


jackie said...

hey, can't believe i missed this-- hope you are feeling better soon! it's hard to wait to feel better, isn't it?

Lone Star Ma said...

Yeah! Thanks! How's your wrist? Been thinking about you. I, too, am about to embark on job interviews and this injury seems to have come at a most inconvenient time!

gojirama said...

I hope you heal quickly- that does not sound like fun!