Friday, September 23, 2005

We Are Safe from Rita

We were all packed up and boarded up and ready to go as soon as the City released me (and we still are, just in case), but it looks like we will be just fine. The storm is heading east of Galveston...I just hope everyone over there will be alright.


Saints and Spinners said...

Thanks for posting this! I was going to ask where you were in all of this. Boy-o, like Galveston needs another hurricane. Last night, I realized that if this were a movie, Katrina would be enough. Having another hurricane come in would just be too much of a bad thing. Well, it is too much of a bad thing. I realize that things have to change, but I'd rather they be cultural changes that promote lovely things, not natural catastrophes heightened by global warming and the like. Prayers all around.

gojirama said...

I'm glad it looks like Rita will pass you by. Continued prayers for your safety....