Saturday, November 03, 2012

Texas Mamas for Paul Sadler!

Be sure to get out there on Tuesday, Mamas, and vote for Paul Sadler for the U.S. Senate! 

Democrat Paul Sadler supports health care for women, unlike his opponent who was chosen by the tea party in the Republican primary because Perry's lackey Dewhurst was not conservative enough for them.  

Paul Sadler supports health care for everyone, in fact, and - unlike his Republican opponent - does not intend to repeal health care reforms that protect children with preexisting conditions and keep people who get sick from getting dropped by their insurance plans.  He also thinks parents should be able to keep their sons and daughters on their health insurance plans until they turn 26, so that young Americans will be covered while they complete their educations.

Paul Sadler supports public education and he supports teachers.  His opponent is one of the growing number of Republicans who do not believe in public education and who will slash funding for it every chance they get. Paul Sadler knows that public education is the heart of democracy.

Most importantly, Paul Sadler believes in protecting our environment for future Americans.  He is a nationally recognized expert on alternative and renewable sources of energy and can help us build the new, green economy that will save our economy and our world.

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