Sunday, July 25, 2010

First Day School: Service Ethic And Creation

We are running behind my planned schedule of lessons this summer, having been traveling on a few of our Meeting days, and it sounds like the clerk kind of wants to take August off, so we may end up more behind - we'll see.  We're going to "go with the flow", as my youngest says.

In the teen class day, we started our unit on Unitarians, Humanists and Quakers, with the theme, in this UU curriculum I am using,  of service as a shared value between the groups.  We basically read about the background of the three groups today and talked about values.  We still have not made our Anabaptist visits - there never seems to be time. 

The little ones had a lesson on Creation and a lesson on Adam and Eve, using some Godly Play-based materials and midrashim from Does God Have A Big Toe?  It went well.  We're going to follow up with reading Before There Was A Before and When The Beginning Began and then it's on to Noah's ark.

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