Saturday, May 08, 2010

Sweetest Day

I took Friday off of work to attend the Mother's Day program at the Lone Star Baby's school.  It may sound a little funny, but I had looked forward to this day all year.  There is nothing so sweet as these beautiful children at the Mother's Day program at her school and this is our last year there.  They make it a really special day.  Mothers and children dress up and when the mothers arrive, they wait in another room for the children.   Each child came to fetch his or her own mother, bringing them a pencil decorated with a flower and leading them into the classroom where each mother got her picture taken with her child and then was led by her child to her seat.  When all the mothers had been seated, the program began.  The children sang songs, played instruments, danced, recited poems - all for their mothers.  Then each child went and brought his or her mother a plate and ate with them.  At the end, each child brought his or her mother a hand-made gift.  It was so incredibly sweet.  I wasn't the only mother who spent  a lot of the time in tears.  I took the Lone Star Baby with me when the program was over and we had a quiet, pleasant afternoon together.  Lovely.

We picked the Lone Star Girl up after school and once Lone Star Pa got home to be with the Lone Star Baby, the Lone Star Girl got into her fancy dress and we went over to Jazz's apartment so Jazz's room-mate could help her with her hair and make-up.  Then it was off to the 8th grade "prom".  Since the dance was held at a huge convention center and all seemed a bit over the top to me, I went along (much to the Girl's chagrin) and volunteered helping out with the photos, which was actually a pretty big job - things were hopping.  I never saw the inside of the ballroom and didn't have even a moment to cramp her style.  The Lone Star Girl had a great time at the dance and then met her friends upstairs at the Whataburger by the Bay for the "after-party", while we adults rested downstairs.  We went home shortly after eleven - she had a wonderful night.

My sweet, beautiful girls!


Andrea said...

What a sweet Mother's Day event and exciting big dance!

Saints and Spinners said...

They're lovely! It blows my mind that I'm watching them grow up through photos.