Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Last Week of Kindergarten

All of these Kindergarten lasts are hitting me (even me, who works and doesn't really get to hang out at Kindergarten at all) ... last chance for hot lunch last Friday (and the offering wasn't one of the hot lunches she eats), last Monday to take the carpeta and the mochila back to school, last week of school.  We are so busy with our end-of-school-year-times-four-plus-two-Girl-Scout-troops-plus-other-stuff that it is easy to just rush towards summer, but I know that this is a special, once-in-a-lifetime sort of week.  The Lone Star Baby started at this school in January of 2006 at the age of eighteen months (after a year and a half of childcare at a church center).  She had been on the waiting list for her school, this school,  since before she was conceived.   I remember how she cried when I dropped her off but didn't want to leave when I picked her up in those early weeks.  I remember nursing her on a bench outside of the school after picking her up one evening of her first week there when she popped off the breast for a moment to point at her shoe and say "zapato".  Now she speaks and reads beautiful Spanish and English and has learned so many things and has loved so many people.  We are going to miss this school.


Saints and Spinners said...

It's poignant! I can't believe our little LSB who used to ride a stuffed-animal unicorn is such a big girl now.

Andrea said...

Oh so bitter sweet. I feel myself rushing through the last weeks of preschool too (can't wait for the BUS!!)...time to slow down and savor.