Sunday, July 08, 2007

I've Taken A Lover

It isn't that I don't love Lone Star Pa, or want him, because I do - I really do. I am a whole lot of woman, though, and it's hard for any one man to satisfy all my needs. Lone Star Pa is great for the whole father-of-my-children thing. He's even a great conversationalist sometimes. Sometimes, though, what I really need...what I lust for and cannot do without for another burning what I can only get form my new love-machine: Mr. Coffee.

Yes, it's true. In an effort to kill my expensive habit of fancy drive-through coffees, I have now invested in Mr. Coffee, some filters, some gourmet, free-trade coffee and some fancy hazelnut creamer...and I just learned how to use it. This may be the start of a beautiful relationship. The Lone Star Girl is already calling my love-machine her new daddy. I think we're going to get along just fine...


gojirama said...

I've been lovers with your lover's cousin for about 13 years now. His name is Krups.
BTW, my favorite is Equal Exchange French Roast.

Saints and Spinners said...

Alas, my counter has no room for a lover!

Lone Star Ma said...

Goji - Does your husband mind? Mine seems pretty okay with it so far. Maybe we'll evolve into a line marriage.

Alkelda- This lover of mine is pretty small - but still 4 cups of satisfaction! It's what inside that counts, you know.

gojirama said...

veloute- we used to be a threesome, but last year he shunned our love nd he's now like a man who's found religion.