Saturday, July 07, 2007


We (meaning Lone Star Pa) finally turned the Lone Star Baby's carseat around to face forward today. She was very excited and proud to be such a big girl now, although she really has no idea that she was probably the only three-year-old on Earth still using a rear-facing carseat. I know most folks turn that puppy around as soon as baby reaches 20 pounds and one year, but it really is much safer to be rear-facing right up to the upper weight limit that your seat is safety-tested on for rear-facing. Our seat's rear-facing limit is 30 pounds and the Lone Star Baby just hit 28 pounds, and is obviously in a growth spurt, so it seemed the right time. She has had her carseat-fussing times, demonic ones, even, but they weren't about turning around as she did not realize that option existed. She is very happy about it, now, though!


Jazzy said...

Tell the little one her auntie is very proud of her and cant wait to see her!!

Saints and Spinners said...

Congratulations to the LSB!
Oh, and Daughter and a Movie would be perfect for the Carnival of Children's Literature.

Lone Star Ma said...

Jazz! Thanks for coming to the blog! Will do!

Alkelda- Please feel free to use any posts of mine that you think would be good for the Carnival. I'm not really sure what you need.

Veloute said...

I bet she is loving it!