Sunday, May 13, 2007

Greek Day

I took Friday off of work to be with the Lone Star Girl at the big blow-out that her school always has towards the end of the year for the fifth grade class...Greek Day. The GT program in our school district is known as the Athena Program. The LSG's school is all Athena Program and she will be in Athena classes at the middle school she starts attending next year, with all the same kids. So, the last six weeks of fifth grade is saved for a look at Greek mythology, a favorite interest of the LSG anyway. They each had to choose and research a character to be for Greek Day and dress up as that character on Friday. The LSG had been planning all year to be Circe (that's my girl), but Circe wasn't on the allowed list so she chose Medusa. We gel-ed her hair well and braided it in lots of tiny braids on Thursday night and sprayed it thoroughly. Then, on Friday morning, we sprayed it green and attached little rubber snakes to each braid, She wore a green toga made from a sheet and green face paint - Medusa. On Friday, the kids had a parade in their costumes, a pageant, the taking of individual and group photos, the showing of the Greek mythology claymation DVDs they had made, performances of Greek dances by each class, the performing of the Greek mythology commercials they had written in small groups and a fancy Greek feast. A big day! Her school has been wonderful. We are really going to miss it.


Veloute said...

I love this! I love that she is still into Greek mythology. I remember dressing up as Medusa in 6th grade complete with rubber snakes in the hair (I got 1st place, heh heh).

That sounds so fun and just wonderful!

I am having a sort of mind block picturing LSG in middle school already, though.

Lone Star Ma said...

I know...

Saints and Spinners said...

Why was Circe not on the allowed list? Hiss boo. I would have chosen Megaera, a fury, or Thalia, a Grace (also a Muse)... or maybe both. When I first saw the headline, I thought, "Greek day? No way is the LoneStarMa letting her girl try out for sororities." Hah!