Thursday, March 30, 2006


So. A few days ago, the Lone Star Girl showed me that her trunk was sprinkled with spots. She felt totally fine and they were not chicken pox, so, even though I guess I knew they were a little too widely flung for bug bites, I went with the theory that it was either a contact irritation thing or a bug got into her shirt and we carried on as if she were not spotted. Last night, though, she started feeling queasy after dinner and hurled. I did not even think of the spots since they are pretty much gone. She kept insisting that she thought it was something she ate and that she was not sick and wanted to go to school. I confess that I considered allowing her to, but, when she was still feeling queasy this morning, I put my foot down - she was sick. Lone Star Pa stayed home with her today while the Lone Star Baby went to school and I went to work. By lunchtime, the Lone Star Girl was feeling fine again, so it seemed a rather minor bug. Shortly after we arrived home this evening, the Lone Star Baby broke out in spots all over her forehead. She seems otherwise just fine and she and Lone Star Pa are home from school tomorrow anyway. I am trying to decide whether to just watch and wait, since the Lone Star Girl seems unscathed, or to have Lone Star Pa take the baby in to the doc tomorrow to check out her spots. Anyone else have experience wiith this bug?


Saints and Spinners said...

Poor girls! I have no idea, except that (of course) the spots are a reaction to something. Really helpful, I know. Some allergy, maybe?

Lone Star Ma said...

Since it went
LSG -spots-nothing-nausea-LSB-spots....

I am thinking it is a bug. Baby still feels fine, though. I will keep her spotty self home while LSP takes her recovered sister to Girl Scouts tonight.