Tuesday, December 13, 2005

The Gift of Music: Carolling

We took the Girl Scouts carolling at a nursing home on Friday night. Everyone really seemed to enjoy their singing and when they were finished, the staff asked if they would sing in the Alzheimer's unit, also, so they went over to it and sang their songs again. When they were first-year Brownies and we first took them to sing at a nursing home, they were so shy and afraid. A few years and a few trips of carolling and pet parades later, and they are at ease and gracious. It is good to see them grow in confidence and caring.

School choirs come to sing (and even play recorders!) at City Hall this time of year. It is such a gift to hear their little voices brightening up the halls where public servants work so hard on things that often take so long to come to fruition. Music is one of the nicest things about the holidays, I think.

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