Thursday, December 15, 2005

Coxsackie Christmas

One of the things that was not wonderful about Tuesday night was that, during the concert, the Lone Star Baby nursed right to sleep. I noticed that her cheeks were a bit flushed and her little hands felt a bit warm. Then, when she woke, she watched the whole rest of the concert quietly...very not like her. By the time we got home, she was quite feverish. Both girls have hands that get the hottest when they are feverish (not that the Lone Star Baby has had more than a couple of fevers but I see a pattern) and the Lone Star Baby was shaking her hands at me, saying "hot! hot! hot!" I took her to the doctor yesterday morning and the doctor showed me how raw her little throat was. Sad as it is, we working moms must hope these throat and ear infections are bacterial because that means an antibiotic will likely have them back at school within 24 hours. The swab was negative,'s a virus. The doctor said three or four days. Lone Star Pa and I are tag-teaming it, which we really have to do because of work responsibilities, but I feel terrible when it's my time at work because she wants me. Arar (sad seal sounds).


gojirama said...

Oh, poor little LSB. Lovies and healing.

Lone Star Ma said...

Thank you.

klk said...

Oh, I hate that word coxsackie! I remember when we struggled with that! It just sounds so, dirty and wrong! Yuck! Glad she's better now. xoxo, k.