Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Tarde is a Spanish word that means afternoon or evening.  When the Lone Star Baby was still in her Spanish-immersion pre-school, this was a time when she mostly was at school and only speaking Spanish, so she usually said the word in Spanish all the time, as she thought it in Spanish.

Her elementary school is a dual-immersion program and her school words are more and more often thought in English rather than Spanish now which makes me a little sad sometimes.

That said, she still says the word evening whether she means the time of day that most people who speak only English would call evening or the time that most people who speak only English would call afternoon.   I know that this is a remnant of the fact that, for her, the word tarde was learned first and she still thinks of evening and afternoon as that one word, even if she now says it to me in English.

I expect this will wear off eventually and one day she will start saying afternoon but I will never, ever suggest it. 

I treasure her tarde. 

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