Saturday, August 13, 2011

Moment of Sweetness

The Lone Star Girl and I were shopping for school jeans at our favorite thrift store last week (4 good pair for under $25 - yes!).  I noticed that a woman and man who were shopping together had some very pretty items in their cart.  They were seriously conversing about each of the items the woman found.  At first, I thought the husband might be some sort of weird control freak who had to pick out all her clothes for her, but I kept coming across them in the store and it seemed less and less likely that this was the case as I observed them.  He just was trying to be really helpful. 

I ended up waiting outside the fitting rooms for the Lone Star Girl to try things on at the same time that this man was waiting as the woman tried things on in the other fitting room.  The woman kept coming out and asking his opinion, which was always positive, on the clothes she was trying.  He enlisted my help to encourage her that the clothes looked good on her.  He was very sweet.

At one point, while the woman was in the fitting room, the man and I had the following exchange:

Me:  I never saw a husband help his wife shop the way you are before.  You're cool.
Him:  Thank you. (Pause.)  Actually, I'm still trying to convince her to marry me.
Me:  Oh.
Him:  (smiling) I'll be the same after we are married, though.  (Pause.)  There's already too much machismo in the world.  Thanks for the compliment.

I felt a warm and fuzzy happiness for humanity for like a whole five minutes.  It was nice.