Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Plaid Dresses

I believe it all began when the Lone Star Girl was quite small and I read (for myself, not to her) The Facts And Fictions of Minna Pratt, a lovely children's novel that includes one small detail of a girl measuring her years by the plaid dresses hanging in her closet - one for each first day of school.  I decided then that my little girl would always have a plaid dress on the first day of each new school year, and later that my two girls would.  Preferably, but not necessarily, red (a fine red tartan is the only plaid that really counts in my opinion, although a really spectacular green and blue tartan can be nice sometimes, like on a moor, but not at school). 

Did you know that to this day Burlington Coat Factory carries red plaid dresses almost every year even when no other stores are doing so?  I don't know if they share our passion for red-plaid-first-day-of-school-dresses or if it is pure chance, but they do.

Middle school rather interrupted our tradition as the Lone Star Girl was required to wear a uniform of sorts, and I was sometimes lax during those middle school years about keeping the tradition for the Lone Star Baby as well, as there were times when it wasn't easy to find school-y clothes for her due to her decidedly preschool-y size. 

This school year, though, as the Lone Star Baby heads off to a new school in the middle of next week, leaving behind the school she has attended since she was eighteen months old, and the Lone Star Girl heads off to high school ... the plaid dresses are so, so back. 


Andrea said...

So cute!!...although having gone to Catholic school--where a plaid (ugly blue and gray) jumper was required, I'm not sure if I would take on that tradition, even if I had dress-wearers (and knowing how my boys are SO not on board with what I think they should wear, I'm pretty sure if I had a girl she'd be just as bad!!)

Lone Star Ma said...

It took me years to get over my fear of plaid after Catholic school, but that panicky feeling can eventually subside. Rulers, on the other hand...

Saints and Spinners said...

That's pretty cool! Since I didn't grow up Catholic or go to Catholic school, my exposure to the uniforms were the sexy ones in the movies. The uniform my daughter would have had to wear had she gone to the small Catholic school up the hill is rather utilitarian-- dark blue skirts, red vests, white shirts. Blek. Not at all like the saucy Catholic school near us with their jaunty green and white plaid skirts!

I'll have to check out Mina Pratt.

gojirama said...

What a sweet tradition!