Thursday, August 05, 2010

Forever Green

The Lone Star Girl has been having Girl Scout dreams - like about when it is Zombie Apocalypse Time and she is running and hiding from zombies when the Girl Scout camp ranger pulls up in a truck and tells her to get in and takes her to the Girl Scout camp where the Girl Scout staff and other Girl Scouts are hiding out.  She said the adults went foraging for food sometimes and they made the girls do "algebra and stuff" so they wouldn't be behind when the zombies were defeated.  Our motto is "Be Prepared", after all. 

She also says she wants to get a Girl Scout trefoil tattoo someday.  Maybe after she earns her Gold Award.

And she wants me (not going to happen) to skip  First Day School during cookie season so we can have more booth sales.

Think she's into this stuff?


Saints and Spinners said...

I think there's a YA novel in this. I know zombies may be "out" soon, in which case, by the time LSG finishes her novel, they'll be campy again.

I think of you all when we eat Molly Moon's "Scout Mint" ice-cream. I am not usually a mint ice-cream fan, but this stuff is the best. No kidding. You have to try it. Molly Moon is a localvore, so you'll have to come out this way. Hee hee.

Lone Star Ma said...

You know, your offspring is old enough for Girl Scouts...Kinder and first grade is Daisies...

Saints and Spinners said...

Oh yes. I'm just not sure if I'm ready to be a Girl Scout Mama!

Lone Star Ma said...

It's not that much of a commitment as long as you're not the troop leader or the cookie mom. I think she might really like it. I know that sounds recruit-y but I don't say it to everyone(:

The Daisy program is an easy-peasy introduction and the Brownie program is the most fun, in my opinion.

gojirama said...

That's just awesome.