Saturday, October 04, 2008

I'm An Extremely Honest Person

As I placed my purchases from Target (where I had ventured alone but for my busy four-year-old to forage for my family) in the trunk of my car today, I noticed an item that was beneath something large that had been in the item I was not 100% certain that I remembered paying for...and not 100% sure that I didn't remember paying for, either. I was thinking that it might have been unseen under the box and forgotten, but I wasn't sure and the receipt was not itemized. It was the sort of busy day at Target where going back in would mean a rather grueling game of dodge-car across a large, super-crowded parking lot with the four-year-old and I didn't want to make the unpleasant trek back to the store. No one would ever know - even I would never really know. And the item only cost $1.99. I took a firm hold of the child and went back in and checked. I hadn't paid for it so I forked over the extra $2.08 and left with a clean conscience. Don't I rock?


Triana said...

You do! If I had a cookie, I'd give you one!

I went through a drive through this weekend and the kid tried to hand me a diet Dr. Pepper (the horror!). In asking him to give me a real Dr. Pepper, I managed to fluster him and mess up his whole rhythym of things. He handed me the new drink and said "Have a nice day!". I leaned in and quietly said "You want money?". Then there was a whole new fluster. Poor kid!

Lone Star Ma said...

You rock, too!

Saints and Spinners said...

You always rock, LSM. But in this instance, I'd say you simply did what was right, even though it was a hassle with a four year old in tow, and that was good. :)

Andrea said...

Good for you! Once while browsing the end of summer sales, one of the twins (then about 2 years old) stuffed a pair of dark blue shorts in the bottom basket of the double stroller (also dark blue), which I didn't notice until I had all of our purchases unloaded and buckled 3 kids in the car. I drove up to the front of the store, parked in the fire lane, ran inside, tossed the shorts on the customer service counter and ran back out. Honesty can be so exhausting!

Lone Star Ma said...

I think you deserve way more cookies than I do.

Veloute said...

You deserve many many chocolate cookies!!