Monday, October 20, 2008

The Adventures-In-Democracy of Obama Mama And Her Almost Teen-Aged Sidekick, Liberty Girl - Part Two

The Lone Star Girl and I originally planned to phone bank much more, but the business of life has intervened, as usual - not to mention minor obstacles like a Democratic Party Headquarters which seems to move around a lot - and we have only phone banked for Obama the one night. We got a phone call asking for more assistance the other night, so tonight we got Lone Star Pa to agree to taking the Lone Star Baby to "ballet" and story time and planned to go phone bank after I picked the Lone Star Girl up from her after-school rehearsal.

That was the plan.

We arrived at the office of a local attorney where we had done phone banking before to find it occupied only by a different attorney, a woman and some police officers. It was kind of weird. They assured us that there was no phone banking there and that they did not know where it was, so we left. We drove somewhat aimlessly down the street that the Party Headquarters supposedly, according to their website, had moved to, although we had tried this before without finding it at the street number that was on the site. I had a hunch that it might be at a particular shopping center owned by some folks with political interests on that street, even though that shopping center was pretty far from the alleged address, so we checked there and it was sure enough the place. The Party Chair was there but she didn't know where the phone banking was. She suggested that it might be at a local state representative's office and was gracious enough to call that office, but the nice lady who answered said there was no one there phone banking and she would take a message. I left one.

We did finally get yard signs and bumper stickers. And I made it to story time after all. And there were several phone messages about phone banking waiting for me when we got home.

1 comment:

Saints and Spinners said...

I hope President Obama's people will be more organized after he's elected into office! I wonder why they shift around so much.