Monday, June 30, 2008

Cousin Camp, Day 4

Morning BEACH trip, craft time at library, visit to pet store to observe rats, various meals and errands, bedtime stories.

Bilingual Baby

Yesterday evening I was trying to talk the little girls into watching some Muzzy today. The Lone Star Niece asked me what Muzzy was and, simplifying things, I explained that it was a video about a creature from outer space and that it was in Spanish and could help you learn Spanish (note - do not actually try to learn Spanish from Muzzy - it will not work. It is not bad for reinforcing language skills you already have, for a kid like the Lone Star Baby who already speaks Spanish, however, although it is pretty stupid. On the up side, Muzzy eats clocks. That's kind of fun.). The Lone Star Baby, informed by the ads on the tapes, said: There is also Muzzy in English. And Aleman. Well - yes there is, but...aleman? Since I minored in Spanish in college, I know what that means: it means German - in Spanish. I really did not think my bilingual four-year-old's vocabulary extended to words like "German", though, a word she has probably never heard in English, except on the Muzzy commercial (and really, I can't remember the last time she watched Muzzy - it is not like she sees it much). I do however recall that her teachers are fluent in aleman, as well as English and the Spanish that is spoken at school. My. Wow. Aleman.

Bonus June YA picks

Some bonus YA picks before June is over!

Teen, Inc.
by Stefan Petrucha is a story about a teen who has been raised since infancy by the corporation responsible for the death of his parents. Old enough to become aware of more of the company's mistakes, he begins a dangerous effort to break away and fix things.

Evolution, Me & Other Freaks of Nature by Robin Brande is the story of a girl who is raised by extremist fundamentalist "Christians" but who starts thinking for herself and acting on her conscience at great personal cost when she sees her church behaving in ways that hurt people.

Little Brother by Cory Doctorow is the future-present story of a teen hacker who is in the wrong place at the wrong time during a terrorist attack and, after getting an all too personal dose of the Department of Homeland Security's abuse, starts an underground movement to uphold the Bill of Rights.

All three of these books, especially the last one, were excellent and thought-provoking. I checked them out of the library for me, but the Lone Star Girl snatched then up and read them in a snap, as they really spoke to her social conscience.

Cousin Camp, Day 3

Trip to explore and play at Corpus Christi Museum of Science and History, picnic at Heritage Park (followed directly by LSG's allergic reaction to an ant bite, necessitating trip home for emergency benadryl), playing games and dress-up and coloring the coloring house and a coloring book and phonics sheets inside, a much more satisfying spell of outside play chalking and playing in backyard, watching water men work on a busted main down the street until water turns back on, bedtime stories.

Saturday, June 28, 2008


I forgot to mention last week when we went to the beach that I saw a sea turtle. In all my years of going to the beach, that's the first one I've ever seen my own self out in the wild.

Cousin Camp 2008, Day 2

Lone Star Girl's swim meet and playing at playground, walking park trails, BEACH, watching a little Magic School Bus, coloring the coloring house, Pretty Pretty Princess, bedtime stories.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Cousin Camp 2008, Day One

Lots of playing with toys and coloring the coloring house, watching a little Super Why, dress-up time and make-believe game involving rescues from coloring house, frilled toothpicks in little sandwiches with blueberries in muffin cups and umbrellas in milk for a fancy lunch, trip to the library to register the Lone Star Niece in the Summer Reading Club, trip to ice cream parlor and grocery run, Pretty Pretty Princess games, fruit flowers and quesadillas for fancy dinner, bedtime stories.

Jumpin' Jack Flash

Last night, right after the fam got in and we tucked the Lone Star Niece into bed, Lone Star Pa came in from the garage and said "Come out here in the backyard and tell me if you smell gas." And I did. I actually had decided that this was the summer that we would be replacing the rusty gas line that ran from the main line into the house. Call it intuition - I knew it was time. We had been waiting on our overbooked plumber for several days already and, sure enough, it was time. We called the Gas Department and they came right over even though it was near to the middle of the night and turned off the gas. Today the plumber came and replaced the piece and then the gas department came back, said that all was well and turned stuff back on. Only our water heater and our seldom-used heating runs on gas, so we weren't much inconvenienced. Kind of scary, though. Lone Star Pa usually disparages his own olfactory sense, but it has served us well.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Let The Wild Rumpus Begin!

Jazz and a friend are coming into town tonight and they are bringing with them...(drum roll)...the Lone Star Niece! For Cousin Camp! The Lone Star Baby is so excited!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Keep Homebirth Legal Petition

If you disagree with the efforts of the AMA and ACOG to make homebirth illegal, please sign this petition.

Beware of Loose Sand

Yesterday was Beach Day. The Lone Star Baby was super-excited. We got a pretty late start and then, when we got to the beach, our car got stuck in the sand - really, super, very stuck. Sand all the way up to undercarriage stuck. Various combinations of Lone Star Pa, the Lone Star Girl and I pushing while one of us (not the LSG) accelerated did not help. Several people gathered to assist. Two men in particular spent a long time and a lot of muscle helping. I was already calling AAA to come rescue us when, between the two men and the LSG and LSP, the car was finally freed! We could have never done it without the help of those men. It is so nice to meet nice, helpful people like that - sort of renews your faith in humanity. My faith in humanity has been at sort of a low ebb the last couple of years, so I need experiences like this.

Lone Star Pa actually feels a strong calling to help stranded motorists himself, something I have not ever fully understood, since he is not like that in all situations. When the next-door neighbors' house alarm goes off, I generally go investigate and call their cell myself, and when an elderly neighbor heard a noise that scared her the other day, I went and poked around her house to make sure no one was there alone. I take meals to people in need, etc. - he never really participates in these neighborly duties. If someone has car trouble, however, he is there. And it's not that he's into cars - neither of us know anything much about cars. He just really feels led to help motorists in trouble. We all have our missions in life.

As soon as we got unstuck and turned onto the beach access road, another car got stuck. Lone Star Pa went to help them. This is the first year we've ever really had these problems. Usually, there are a few areas where you obviously shouldn't go if you don't have the cars with major traction, but this year it is like the whole island is like that. I don't know what happened - it's like someone dumped a bunch of loose sand all over it. The Lone Star Baby, not a generally laid back sort of person, was so extremely good throughout our little crisis and then started melting down when it was over from too long in the hot car and fear that we now wouldn't get to go to the beach. We assured her that we were going and found a place where we could park on the side of a beach access road and haul our gear the short trek through loose sand to the waterside. More people were getting stuck all day.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Hungry For Change

The bake sale, or cookie party as health regulations inspired us to re-christen it, was mostly very hot. We raised some money from people who came specifically because they knew it was happening, but not a lot of impulse donations. I signed up to phone bank Democrats in my precinct to elicit support for Obama as well.

Organic Farmer's Market Goodness

I got up early today to get to the Farmers' Market, because their e-mail report said they'd have figs. They did! I bought lots, even though only I eat them. I will not deny myself figs when they are available. I also got eggplant, tomatoes, cucumbers and a cantaloupe. I still have a zucchini and most of a baggie of little cayenne peppers from two weeks ago. One little baggie is way too many peppers, I guess, since only I will be using them. I made some of those MorningStar Farms (since we don't much cook, we eat a lot from them) soy "steak" strips the other night and I stir-fried them with squash from the Farmers' Marker two weeks ago and just one little chopped up cayenne to eat over rice. It was super-super-super good - made the tofu so spicy. Of course, only I would eat it. Sigh.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Peanut-Bama Cookies!

Today the girls and I made Peanut-Bama Cookies and Sweet-On-Change Snickerdoodles for the Hungry For Change bake sale that the Lone Star Girl and I are planning to go help with tomorrow afternoon to raise money for's efforts to elect Obama. More later!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My Letter to The AMA

June 18, 2008

To: The American Medical Association House of Delegates

Regarding: Resolution 205, 4-28-08

I am not a physician or insurance company - I am a woman, mother and sometime patient. I am writing because I am horrified at the language of your resolution which calls for legislation to address where births should take place - legislation. I dislike being so blunt, but the truth is that your membership needs to understand something critical if you ever want your malpractice suits to decrease: you have no right to tell people what to do. You have no right to tell me where I can give birth. The government has no right to tell me where I can give birth. I will give birth where I feel safest and that is not going to be under the thumbs, or electronic fetal monitors, of any of you. How dare you act to restrict my choices? How dare you?

And while I am on the topic of "how dare you?", how dare you pass resolutions pretending that you are concerned about the "safety" of midwife-assisted home birth, given the track record of your membership? Less than one percent of U.S. births occur at home so it is not midwives who are responsible for the fact that the U.S. has the second highest rate of maternal mortality and the highest rate of infant mortality in the developed world. Those deaths happened in your hospitals, attended by the physicians of your membership...because that's where births happen and who attends them in the U.S. If you were addressing the ignorance of your members first, and the true causes of our country's crisis in maternity care, and we had a very low rate of maternal and infant death...then, then perhaps, you could make a case for expending energy bad-mouthing long as you left us with choices. Given the current state of maternity care in the U.S., however, you need to be looking to your own house and hospital. That is where the true problems exist.

My readers and I would very much like to hear that you are changing course, respecting women's choices and addressing the role of physicians and hospitals in the current crisis. I will happily print your response.

Mariah Boone
Publisher, Lone Star Ma Magazine

The Business of Being Born

Please watch this movie, people. And please write angry letters railing at the American Medical Association for slamming Ricki Lake about supporting home birth. The AMA should be fucking sued for malpractice. The U.S. c-section rate is fucking one in three. We have the second highest rate of maternal mortality and the highest rate of infant mortality in the developed world. These scared and greedy and ignorant obstetricians are killing us and killing our babies. It stops here and now, mamas - because we are going to make it stop. We are educating ourselves and insisting on better. We are writing letters, writing articles and choosing midwifery. We are forcing the U.S. to meet acceptable standards of maternity care and if OB/GYNs are scared of lawsuits now, they need to imagine what we will do to them if they keep killing us. We are finished with it.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Long Awaited

I'm so happy for all the people who are finally getting to marry their true loves in California after being kept from that right by bigotry for so many years. A thousand cheers for California!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

An Ode To Kid K*Nex

In recently shopping for birthday presents for the Lone Star Baby, I had intended to gift her with her first set of K*Nex building toys. At the store, though, the Kid K*Nex set that cost the $9.99 that I wanted to spend looked...dinky. I almost didn't get it because I didn't think it had enough pieces and I didn't want to shell out as much money as the bigger set cost. I ended up getting the cheap set anyway, though, and I am so glad I did. She is having so much fun very carefully assembling sea creatures according to the pictures on the pamphlet that came with the set. I love these sorts of toys because they encourage dexterity and problem-solving and even engineering skills and, once kids get the hang of it and start branching out, creativity as well. Something about K*Nex seems to hold my kids' interest better than all the Leg-O sets that invariably end up mixed up in plastic bins, underfoot and rarely used after the first blush of excitement over them wanes.

The Lone Star Girl attended a week-long K*Nex robotics day-camp for a couple of early elementary school summers and had a blast building motorized K*Bots and pitting them against the K*bots of the other kids in an attempt to have the last one standing. She almost made it to the world championships, although we were quite relieved to not have to make excuses not to go to Nevada. I hope that the Lone Star Baby keeps up her interest and I very much recommend this toy.

Great Books for Kids With Dad Themes

A list in honor of Father's Day:
  • Ramona And Her Father by Beverly Cleary - the all-time best.
  • Night Shift Daddy by Eileen Spinelli - the sweetest.
  • Daddy's Girl by Garrison Keillor - very cute.
  • The Daddy Book by Todd Parr - I love me some Todd Parr.
  • The Little House books by Laura Ingalls Wilder - even though he was a spanker, Pa Ingalls was a very loving dad to Laura and Mary.
What are your favorite kids' books about good dads?

Happy Father's Day.... Lone Star Pa, my dad and my wonderful step dad, John, and all the other good, hard-working fathers out there, making their way in this brave new world. A very, very Happy Father's Day to all of you.

And for the other sort of father - do remember that your kids will very likely be the ones choosing your nursing home someday. Have you seen the variety? Food for thought.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Texas Summer Reading Club Jubilee

This summer marks the 50th anniversary of the Texas Summer Reading Club. We are having to participate differently this year as our library branch is closed this summer due to renovation. We are going to be going to the Central Library for story time, etc. instead. The first story time there, after the kick-off shows, was this past week and the Lone Star Baby was a little freaked when it started with songs she didn't know, especially since there was a whole class of kids her age there who clearly attend story time at that library regularly and knew the songs, participating with gusto. She cried a little. She was very interested in the books, though, and by the end was brave enough to partner up with another little girl for a song - she had lots of fun doing that. I think she will enjoy this story time very much as soon as she is more comfortable. She wants to go to craft time there on Monday.

Since we go to an evening story time during the school year, the Lone Star Baby isn't used to seeing daycare classes at story time. At one point, she leaned close to me and whispered: But Mommy, all these kids - where are their parents? She was so cute. I explained that the kids were there with their school - she had to process that one for a moment. Her school has been more inclined to bring programs in rather than taking the kids out to things during the school day.

We logged in the Lone Star Baby's first ten books and are working on some more. When checking books out from the library, she is partial to the out-of-print books by Miriam Cohen that I refer to as the first grade books and she refers to as the Jim books because they are about a first grade class and there is a sweet little boy named Jim in the class. Her sister also enjoyed these books as a young child. They are very sweet and portray a nurturing, old school first grade, with little academic pressure. Would that first grade were still that way.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Happy Birthday, Lone Star Baby!

On this day, four years ago, I woke from dreams of waves on the ocean, knowing it was the day. Today, the Lone Star Baby told every person she saw that she is four - she was excited.

The coloring house was a big hit:

I think she had a good day. I love this four year old girl.

Monday, June 09, 2008

In Memoriam, with A World of Thanks

Edwina Froehlich, one of the seven Founding Mothers of La Leche League International, died yesterday after having suffered a stroke in late May. For so long now, since 1956, these seven women have shepherded this organization from a few women talking at a church picnic into an international organization that helps hundreds of thousands of mothers and babies across the globe. there are six.

I never met Edwina Froehlich, but I type this with tears running down my face...tears of gratitude for the support network that she and the other six Founding Mothers created and the central role that La Leche League played in my being able to mother my precious children much better than I would have done without La Leche League. I have always prayed to live a useful life and have always felt that I fall short, in so many ways, from helping others as I should...I so often feel overwhelmed. These seven women, six now, are so inspirational to me because they were like me...just mothers, just normal people who cared about something, but who were busy and had babies to tend to...and in 50 years, they changed the world in a huge and highly useful way for babies and mothers everywhere.

Nuestra Senora de Leche y Buen Parto...let me serve as they did.

I am so grateful for the life of Edwina Froehlich and the other six Founding Mothers, so grateful.

When The Lone Star Baby Gets Angry - Really, Really Angry....

I may have mentioned before that the Lone Star Baby is a tad intense? The sort of intense that leads me to believe that if she does not grow up to be the dictator of a small Central American country, I will have done my job? Let's just say that much of my parenting energy goes toward empathy development and teaching gentler communication techniques. We recently discovered a great picture book to aid us in our efforts.

When Sophie Gets Angry - Really, Really Angry... by Molly Bang is the story of what happens when Sophie gets really, really angry after an everyday sort of altercation with her sister. Sophie roars, and runs and runs and cries a little, and then takes comfort in nature, calming down and climbing a favorite tree. When she is at peace again, she goes home and everyone is happy to see her. The artwork in the book is exquisite for the topic and the story is a great jumping off point for discussions on how to deal with anger. My only problem is that Sophie does things to cool down that a young child could not really safely be allowed to do...going off into the wild alone as she does. As parents, we sort of have to steer our conversation with our own intense little progeny toward coping mechanisms that are more practical than, if not nearly as satisfactory as, those of Sophie.

Long before reading this book, the Lone Star Baby and I had discussed anger management strategies. We still employ the comfort of the magic boob when needed, but obviously need more mature strategies as well. We had talked about using our words and working together to understand each other and screaming into pillows (even hitting pillows, although I am not a fan of such techniques). We had talked about running in the yard and scribbling really fast and hard on paper. I think it is important to talk about feelings and help kids come up with lots of ideas. In the long run, however, none of my ideas were very helpful to the Lone Star Baby - she had to come up with her own calming mechanism.

She decided that when she is scream-y, she needs a tissue to calm down. And if you give her one, she often does calm down. Amazing, but true. Intrigued by the magic of tissues, I introduced her to handkerchiefs and let her go pick out a special one at the store. This was highly effective as a comfort mechanism in times of anger for awhile, but it got lost and she is just as happy with a pack of tissues, frankly.

This tissue tactic doesn't always work to
calm the Lone Star Baby down anymore than any other strategy would, but it helps. The book has really helped us talk about anger and calming down as well. I definitely recommend it if you have an intense little person in your life.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Democrats, Unite!

Although I have been an Obama supporter since before the Texas primary, I still shed a little tear when reading about Clinton bowing out yesterday. I am so proud that a woman made it that far and I know that it will not be long before someone's daughter is the President of the United States. Maybe it will be Clinton's daughter, maybe mine - but some strong woman like Hillary will do it soon.

Now, though - now is the time for all Americans who care about the working people of this country to unite behind Barack Obama and see to it that he is the very next President of the United States. I believe he is the right person for the job, one who can bring healing to the class wars that divide our troubled nation. Let's get to work!

Don't Get Sick!

The folks at have come up with an attention-getting game to illustrate the perils of the lack of availability of paid sick days in the U.S. Follow the link below to play the game and then send the link to your friends so they can play it, too!

Don't Get Sick!

June YA Pick: The House of Djinn

I first read Shabanu: Daughter of The Wind, by Suzanne Fisher Staples, quite a few years ago, and I have read it many, many times since then. It is easily one of the best YA books I have ever read - definitely in the top 5. It is the story of a fairly modern-day Pakistani girl coming of age in the desert, in a family that loves her and fears for her future. It is an excellent book. I also really enjoyed its sequel, Haveli, though not nearly as much as Shabanu. Years went by. No third book. Staples wrote other fine books, and I lost hope that she would continue writing about Shabanu and Mumtaz. But she did write a third book! The House of Djinn takes up the story when Mumtaz is a young woman and must learn that her mother is still alive, having feigned her death to protect them all from the scheming Nazir. Mumtaz must deal with a future she never imagined was waiting for her, and with conflicting ideas about love and duty. Also, there is a whiff of djinn, which was sort of odd, as the other books did not really have anything supernatural in them. Like Haveli, this book was no Shabanu, but it was a good book and I was thrilled to read the continuation of Shabanu's story and the story of Mumtaz. I highly recommend it. This book ended in such a way as to lead me to believe that there could very well be another book coming...more so than did Haveli. I hope so!

Friday, June 06, 2008

More On Religion And Child Abuse

Since I've written about the issues with the FDLS compound, I might as well stay out on a limb and address another area in which the cultural mores of an otherwise well-meaning religious group can too often lead to dangerous child abuse. This is going to upset some people, but it needs to be said.

When I was growing up, my parents took in foster children. They felt that our family had been blessed with many resources and a loving home and that we should share those things with people who needed them. Then, as now, foster parents were in fairly short supply. At foster parent organization meetings and events, it was evident that a certain kind of very literal-interpretationist, Bible-based, fundamentalist Christian was very strongly represented as a group among foster parents. Clearly, these families felt that caring for foster children was part of their Christian responsibility, which I thought was great. My own family is Christian - Roman Catholic - and I was even sent to religious school. Quite involved in the life of our own church, I was surprised that my usually open-minded mother seemed to disapprove of these kind foster parents. She did not disapprove of them as people, or of their motivations in being involved in foster care, but she clearly felt they were ill-suited for it. At the the time, I thought this was a strange prejudice of hers, especially since my own godmother and her best friend was far on that side of the Christianity spectrum and we have always loved and respected her deeply.

Now I understand my mother's concerns.

I am no longer a Catholic, having been convinced as a young adult that the Religious Society of Friends was the place for me, but I definitely am in line now with my mother's concerns about the fundamentalist Protestants who do foster care. I have seen what happens and I see why it happens: there is a culture of corporal punishment in these denominations which is dangerous for foster children.

Full disclosure: I believe that corporal punishment is wrong, anyways, for everyone, but that is just me. The state of Texas itself, however, mandates that corporal punishment is not permitted when dealing with foster children, and that is probably true of most states. Foster parents and case workers sometimes discuss this rule as though it is mainly in place because of the psychological damage that foster children have already sustained from abuse, and there is truth to that ... but it isn't the only reason for the rule.

Foster children are difficult.

If you take in foster babies, you spend a lot of time at the hospital because getting sick is the only way that infants can express their sorrow and grief at being separated from their mothers. If you take in older foster children, though, you will find them acting out in other ways. Like hitting the other kids, screaming at you in defiance, breaking every toy in your house and setting things on fire sometimes. They are upset and they do not love you - not for a long time. This can try the patience of a saint.

Taking kids like that and placing them with parents who believe that their Christian duty to their children involves physical discipline is a recipe for disaster. Things escalate and children die. By accident, at the hands of people who love them. There is a terrible case in our community ... well, these deaths are really tragic. I agree with my mother, now: foster children shouldn't be placed with families who belong to a strong culture of corporal punishment, despite the excellent intentions of said people; it's dangerous. That doesn't mean that every fundamentalist Christian belongs to such a culture, of course, but it is very common.

My concern is not only for foster children, either. I have had numerous friends who are part of that subculture, ones who, knowing my aversion to corporal punishment, will tell me that they don't use it much - "only for true rebellion". That is the key phrase you hear, a marker of sorts in that subculture of corporal punishment - they believe that rebellion must be met with the rod. My own child has been safely and lovingly reared, but she is rebellious, spirited, determined, intense. I shiver to think what her life would be like in such a subculture. These families used to read Ezzo for child-rearing advice, even after the American Academy of Pediatrics started issuing warnings that his methods of "Christian parenting" were leading to failure to thrive and outright starvation in breastfed babies. Now there is a fringe that turns to Michael Pearl and the Raising Godly Tomatoes crowd - people who advocate whipping little babies to train them up to be "godly" - and more. These people aren't monsters - they are loving parents trying to do right by their children - but they are wrong. It is always abusive to strike a baby.

There is much good to be found in the fundamentalist Christian community but there is also this - a subculture of physical discipline that all too easily leads to abuse couched in the name of Christian parenting. The Commandments tell us not to take the name of the Lord, our God, in vain. I do not believe that God meant that it was dreadfully sinful to say "Jesus Christ!" when we stub our toes - I believe that God meant not to do evil, evil like abusing children, in the name of God. Our evil is our own.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Greenpeace- Not Earth First, For The Love of Heaven!

The Lone Star Girl has officially scared me. Some of you may have read my article, Raising Eco-Terrorists And Other Environmental Concerns of Parenting in the November 2007 issue of We the People News. In it, I discussed the Lone Star Girl's passion for animal rights. I have always been proud of her commitment, even when I have had to occasionally calm her down. After last night, though, I am concerned that she may indeed be more of an Earth Firster than the Greenpeace material I raised her to be.

After the Lone Star Baby was asleep, we had a sort of family movie night and watched Gorillas In The Mists about the life, work and death of Dian Fossey, one of Leakey's famous acolytes whose work saved the mountain gorillas of Rwanda from extinction. I knew this movie was right up the Lone Star Girl's alley and thought that she would find it inspiring. She did, but I was a little shocked at how much slack she was willing to cut Fossey. I saw this movie when it came out in theaters when I was 17. I was a young, vegetarian-idealist type myself (I am no longer young) and I loved the movie and found it inspiring and really admired and respected Fossey ... but I still got that she was also bonkers - kidnapping poaching village children and scaring them into snitching, staging almost-hangings of poachers and burning their village when they killed her favorite gorilla. She was amazing - but crazy, too.
I could understand her craziness and empathize, but not excuse it. The Lone Star Girl was not cool with burning the village, but did not seem to have a problem with the other stuff. She said that Fossey did what she had to do to save the gorillas. I told her the ends never justify the means. She said no one was actually hurt, just scared, and it was necessary to protect the gorillas. I told her she sounded like Donald Rumsfeld ... Dick Cheney ... George Bush. She started to ask me if I wouldn't be willing to scare someone if they had information that was needed to prevent a murder .. I said Guantanamo! Guantanamo Bay!!! She was unmoved.

So much for our Quaker values.

When I expressed my concern to her father, the man who eats beef and complains about the "extra" money I spend to buy green products, he said he thought Fossey had shown remarkable restraint.

Who are these people?

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Read My Columns, Por Favor

The We the People News website has caught back up to its print circulation and the May and June issues are now online. Please read my columns!