Wednesday, August 29, 2007

We Have Middle School

When I woke up on Monday, Lone Star Pa had a picture on our computer of the Lone Star Girl on her first day on kindergarten - plaid dress, pink backpack straps on her shoulders, sticking her tongue out at the seems like yesterday.

The Lone Star Girl started middle school on Monday. I cannot tell you how hard it was to pack up the Lone Star Baby and head off to drop her off and get to work on time, trusting that the Lone Star Girl would get to her bus stop on time alone, that the bus would show up, that she would be able to get her schedule at school by herself...all of it alone. She was excited to be so independent; I was a basket case.

The bus went fine, coming and going, but she was much less excited when she got home (alone!). The hectic and crowded hallways and the difficulty finding classes were hard on her and she found the teachers scary. On the upside, her best friend, who never went to school with her before, is in four of her classes and she has lunch with her and a bunch of friends. Her elective is theatre arts, which I think she will like. It's a big adjustment, though. Huge. My baby....


Saints and Spinners said...

Yeah, it's an adjustment. I say that from the perspective of someone who's gone through middle-school, not from a mama of a middleschooler. Yikes. As much as I'm looking forward to Lucia entering early kindergarten (non-academic), I just know it's another transition in a long line of changes and adjustments.

Lone Star Ma said...

Yep. I am really having a hard time believing that I have a daughter as old as my LSG. She is what Heinlein would call husband-high already...probably about fully grown, give or take an inch or two, and so...her own complete self. As much as I love this young woman, I still miss the cuddly baby and the silly toddler, the sweet pre-schooler, the sassy little girl with the togas...