Sunday, February 04, 2007

Lone Star Baby Picasso

On a happier note, in addition to her virus, the Lone Star Baby brought her folder home from school on Friday, for us to take out the artwork she has recently done at school. It is always so nice to get to see what she is working on...they do sewing cards that they make themselves, paintings, masks, puppets, they play with stickers...the works. This isn't one of those AMI Montessori programs that discourages free flowing artwork. As Lone Star Pa and I were exclaiming over all her work, we came across a lovely painting that clearly involved a more organized technique that just brushing paint onto paper, although we did not know quite what technique they had taught her to use in order to produce the effect. We were telling the Lone Star Baby how much we liked it and she nodded serenely and told us "Pablo Picasso". I love her school.


Saints and Spinners said...

I've read that Picasso spent his entire adult life trying to draw like a child.:)

Veloute said...

Wow! She's amazing :)