Saturday, February 24, 2007

Lest You Think I've Disappeared...

I am still hanging on to this mortal coil and I do miss everyone and am sorry for my lack of time for posting lately. February has been rough. We meant it to include large amounts of fun family outings as it is the month when our museum membership has reciprocity with lots of other cool venues, but it has mainly been a month of illness and stress, although we did have a very nice 12-year anniversary of the marriage of Lone Star Pa and myself on the 12th, which we had fun celebrating the previous weekend.

The Lone Star Baby has had an on-again-off-again mystery bug since about the 2nd and the Lone Star Girl had a mild case of Flu A as well, in the midst of it all. I have missed 4 days of work in February and Lone Star Pa has missed two, one of which was the day we were both supposed to be administering the high-stakes TAKS writing test to our seventh graders. I did administer it, but he was on taking-baby-to-doctor-again duty that day.

In the meanwhile, school is still very busy and I have tons of stuff due for my certification classes. I am currently off to take my big Social Studies 4-8 exam. Please wish me luck!

1 comment:

Saints and Spinners said...

Good luck! "'Courage,' he said and pointed toward the land"--Tennyson