Saturday, December 22, 2007

Shortest Day

Yesterday was the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year. We were too busy with various things to light bonfires to drive the dark away or anything, but I thought about short days.

My Lone Star Girl is at a birthday party for a friend we have known since kindergarten, one of the Girl Scouts from our troop's first days as Daisies. They have rented a hotel room for the girls and one for the parents in a hotel with an indoor pool. This is definitely a first and the Lone Star Girl wasn't sure I would let her go, but I completely trust the parents and am not worried. I hope they are having fun.

Time with our babies is the shortest day, I think. You blink, and night has fallen...they are grown. What are your thoughts on the passages of childhood?


gojirama said...

Oh, that is so true. It goes so fast, it takes my breath away sometimes.

Anonymous said...

I wish I'd known it was Winter Solstice, but then again, I always forget to keep up with the really interesting stuff in life. That would have been fun to share with my girls.

Saints and Spinners said...

"The days are long but the years are short."

Sometimes I get away with wrapping my 4 year old up in a blanket and pretending she's a baby, but that game quickly stops when she realizes that she's not allowed to talk, just babble!:)

Lone Star Ma said...

That quote is exactly right! That's from that days song...right? I can't remember how it goes....