Sunday, January 18, 2015

#Action 2015: Sustainable Development

This will be a very important year for the world, and not just because a new Star Wars film is coming out (should we be in line?).  Our world leaders will be tackling some very important issues this year and they need our help and guidance.

The United Nations Millennium Development Goals, which have been a force for action to end poverty and improve public health across the globe, expire in 2015.  There is still much to do to meet these goals.  

What can you do to take action to eradicate extreme hunger and poverty?  To achieve universal primary education? To promote gender equality and empower women?  To reduce childhood mortality? to improve maternal health? To combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases? To ensure environmental sustainability? To develop a global partnership for development?  Our work is not done.  As mothers, this work cannot be more important, both because it shapes the world our children will inherit and because it is our job to impart to our children a sense of responsibility for their brothers and sisters on this earth.  What can we do? What can we teach our children to do?

In September, world leaders will meet to develop post-MDG sustainable development goals.  They will need you input, Mamas, on what these goals will be.  We need to be working hard on the MDGs and working to shape the post-MDG sustainable development goals each day.  Let's get on it.

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