Monday, September 16, 2013

Hunger: Call Your Congressperson

On Wednesday, the House of Representatives will vote on the Nutrition Reform and Work Opportunity Act.  Normally, this is part of the agricultural policy known as the Farm Bill, but it got left out of the rest of the Farm Bill in July because the cuts being proposed to this part - the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - SNAP - part, by Republicans, were so draconian that things got a bit heated.

This is what the Republicans want:  to cut $40 billion from food stamps over a decade, eliminating benefits to 4-6 million hungry Americans and making it more difficult for hungry people to apply.

This is what private charities say about taking up the slack:  no way.  They are already taxed well beyond what they can provide what with the economy in the composting toilet and all and cannot help 4-6 million more people.

Should kids go hungry in America while corporations get bailed out by public money?  Let your Congressperson know what you think.

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